
Upcoming Events -July

Horse Speak® and  “Being Herd” clinic at

From the Mother Farm,   Snohomish, WA

with Lucinda B.

July 20-21, 2024

July 22: Available for private lessons

July 20, 21:  Two-Day Clinic

  Hands On Horse Speak and a wee bit of science

This clinic will be intensive hands on with the goal of performing to the highest level of your ability to have your horse respond to the task at hand calmly and focused alert.

Cost:  $225


From the Mother Farm

10327 210th St SE

Snohomish, WA 98396

What do "Being Herd" Clinics Cover?

First day- There is a 2-hour Presentation in the morning. Lucinda reinforces her teaching through many stories, videos and anecdotes. 

Second Day- the work includes one or more horses to demonstrate and reinforce the information presented on the evening before. She has a series of fascinating exercises for participants to introduce new concepts.

We invite you to attend the Saturday morning presentation for just $50, and if you wish to attend the rest of the clinic, just pay the balance.   For more info, email

What is Lucinda teaching? 

As a Certified "Horse Speak Practitioner" Lucinda teaches Sharon Wilsie's work and information on the horses Central Nervous System including the Brain, Equine Ethology and Neurochemicals of Emotions, Learning and Memory

This allows us to know WHY the horse is behaving the way they are and HOW to​ communicate with them effectively. This is the most direct path to returning to calmness and a frame of mind that allows learning and cooperation.

Being Herd exercises help participants:

·         stay in Low Med or High Connection.

·         understand how the horse physically and emotionally perceives their world. 

·         use correct-practice techniques to introduce a simple new skill for learning and memory.

·         gain insight into the value of Horse Speak by seeing it in action. 


These exercises are simple and can be practiced at home after the clinic.

If you’re considering taking a new journey with your horse, but would like additional information about what I teach, please download my wee book, “Being Herd”, available on

Upcoming Events -August

Horse Speak® clinic at

From the Mother Farm,   Snohomish, WA

with Sharon and Laura Wilsie

August 8 - 11, 2024

10am to 5pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday

10am to 3pm - Sunday

10327 210th St. SE Snohomish, WA 98296

From the Mother Farm is a special place for us and has been since our first visit in 2017 after the Horse Speak, The Equine Human Translation Guide was released. The horses on this farm a wonderful teachers and are featured in the third book, Essential Horse Speak: Continuing the Conversation.  If you want a hands-on/in-person Precise Equine Body Language Skills, aka PEBLS, and experience with some of our amazing horse mentors, then this clinic is for you to explore the depth of Horse Speak. 

Upcoming Events -August

Horse Speak® and  “Being Herd” clinic at

From the Mother Farm,   Snohomish, WA

with Lucinda B.

Aug 31 - Sep 1, 2024

Sep 2: Available for private lessons

Aug 31, Sep 1:  Two-Day Clinic

  Hands On Horse Speak and a wee bit of science

This clinic will be intensive hands on with the goal of performing to the highest level of your ability to have your horse respond to the task at hand calmly and focused alert.

Cost:  $225


From the Mother Farm

10327 210th St SE

Snohomish, WA 98396

What do "Being Herd" Clinics Cover?

First day- There is a 2-hour Presentation in the morning. Lucinda reinforces her teaching through many stories, videos and anecdotes. 

Second Day- the work includes one or more horses to demonstrate and reinforce the information presented on the evening before. She has a series of fascinating exercises for participants to introduce new concepts.

We invite you to attend the Saturday morning presentation for just $50, and if you wish to attend the rest of the clinic, just pay the balance.   For more info, email

What is Lucinda teaching? 

As a Certified "Horse Speak Practitioner" Lucinda teaches Sharon Wilsie's work and information on the horses Central Nervous System including the Brain, Equine Ethology and Neurochemicals of Emotions, Learning and Memory

This allows us to know WHY the horse is behaving the way they are and HOW to​ communicate with them effectively. This is the most direct path to returning to calmness and a frame of mind that allows learning and cooperation.

Being Herd exercises help participants:

·         stay in Low Med or High Connection.

·         understand how the horse physically and emotionally perceives their world. 

·         use correct-practice techniques to introduce a simple new skill for learning and memory.

·         gain insight into the value of Horse Speak by seeing it in action. 


These exercises are simple and can be practiced at home after the clinic.

If you’re considering taking a new journey with your horse, but would like additional information about what I teach, please download my wee book, “Being Herd”, available on